Here is what available to purchase.
Come on a true journey with us!
Our Available Subscriptions
Here are the subscriptions that are available for you.

Access to the majority of Nutland, excluding Nut Residents and the holy Kakurch (as well as any working/construction zones), staying at Holly Cottage privately and in comfort. Must stay on paths and roads whilst exploring the grounds. Facilities available.
£1.00 GBP per visit

Access to all of Nutland, except for any working/construction zones. Must stay on paths and roads whilst exploring the grounds. Facilities available.
£2.50 GBP per visit

Access to all of Nutland and can violate ‘staying on paths rule’ with permission – yet cannot interfere with work/construction. Can visit all attractions without hidden fees. Facilities available. Food and drink available. Amenities + toiletries offered for a small fee of £2.00 GBP per 2 resources.
£5.00 GBP per visit

Special access to all of Nutland including a pass to access to Nualand (you will be given guided walk or cycle with servant). Can visit any attraction for free and can step on any part of land in the areas of Nutland + Nualand (counties) with no hidden fees. Facilities available. Food and drink available. Private servant (with you for a max. of 2 hours) given. EXTRA (MORE) amenities + toiletries offered for a small fee of £1.50 GBP per 2 resources.
£10.00 GBP per month
(Monthly rolling plan. (Can cancel (NO REFUND) at anytime apart from if visit already has occured.) Up to 3 visits per paid month.)

You won’t regret this. Choose your perfect subscription at https://hollycottagekool.com/subscriptions/