Here is all of the stuff you need to know.
But come here and explore more than you needed to know!
What we have
We have created and founded many things like exciting attractions, relaxing nature trails throughout the areas of Nutland and Nualand (counties) all so you can enjoy your experience fully.
What to do
Oh, don’t even get me started on the massive list of things to do – you can go on walks, visit royal places, monuments, refreshment services, religious places and more!
Where to go
You can do what you want around the land (as long as you are either subscribed to the Premium or Superior subscriptions) and venture further into the local village, Coxheath, which has a Tesco, Londis, food takeaways, cafes, barbers, a pharmacy and more – alongside the included on-site offerings of food and drink.
What to do
We allow and promote leaving Nutland on your stay to have a venture around Coxheath, and do the on-site activities too!

Nut Residents
£1.00 GBP
Nut Residents was the OG (original) part of Nutland and started it all. It towers proudly above the whole of Nutland.

Visit Coxheath
You can enjoy some free time in Coxheath, having a walk around and maybe going for a shop for snacks, anything you’d want to do really!

-LIMITED-*Exclusive Package*
£1.00 GBP
A lovely visit to the Kakurch (religious monument), Cafe (drinks supplied at Service Station a.k.a Emilis’s House by Cheese Brew), and the on-site, not in use, camping grounds.

Visit Mount Peanut
Mount Peanut is the massive hill that is the foot of Nutland which is home to lovely orchards and great landscapes – perfect photos guaranteed!

Guided Nature Walk
£2.50 GBP
A guided (supervised) walk throughout the woodland paths of south-west Coxheath.

Non-Guided Nature Walk
Go for a walk on your own freely! No interruptions, just pure relaxation!
Prior to your visit, research Coxheath and its wonderful history here at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coxheath to learn more!

You won’t regret this. Choose your perfect subscription at https://hollycottagekool.com/subscriptions/